The CMI Professors Team is composed of doctors and researchers of excellence and international success.

The excellence of our faculty is fundamental for the success of CMI and we have an enormously talented staff: researchers, consultants, and experts able to transmit their knowledge with passion and help students in all possible directions, offering top quality education, counselling, and coaching.

P.h.D Totti Könnölä

Doctor of Science in Technology and Master in Environmental Economics by Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. CEO of Insight Foresight Institute. International Advisor of OECD Countries as an expert in innovation, entrepreneurship and digitalisation to transform society towards sustainable pathways. ANECA Public and Private University Lecturer certifications. Academic Coordinator of the Responsible MBA CMI Master's Degree.

P.h.D Santiago Gutiérrez Broncano

PhD from the Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid in the area of Business Administration. Professor of Business Organization of the Department of Business Administration in the University of Castilla-La Mancha in the Faculty of Social Sciences of Talavera. Expert in Corporate strategies and internationalization of companies, people management and high commitment practices and business development and family business management.

P.h.D Daniel Caridad López del Río

Daniel Caridad is Doctor of Legal Sciences and Economics at Cordoba University with “Risk Assessment Models” with honors (cum laude). With more than 14 years of experience, he has worked in Santander Group and currently as corporate responsible of Garanti Bank wholesale credit risk at Global Risk Management in BBVA Group. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Finance Management.

P.h.D Álvaro Hernán Montoya Ramírez

Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and is specialized in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. In addition, his professional career is focused on climate change, knowledge management, corporate social responsibility and the third sector, both from consulting, as well as in public administration, university teaching and research, and international development cooperation .

P.h.D Carmen Hernando Vivar

Doctor in Business Studies from the University of Alcalá de Henares with outstanding Cum Laude. Is Economic-Financial Director and responsible for Management Control in her business career. She has developed models of Management Control in the company.

Carmen Martín Calvarro

Biologist by the University of Salamanca and with an Executive MBA at IE Business School, she has a solid international experience in multinationals in the Telco and technology sector, both in Business Development, Institutional Relations, Project Management, as well as in Negotiation and Positioning.

P.h.D Cristóbal Taúler

Degree in Business Administration and Management and PhDmy in Information Sciences. Specialized training in Human Resources, Regulatory Compliance, Labor Relations (Centro de Estudios Garrigues). Professional with 20 years of experience in the performance of managerial functions and in the training and development of people. Certified trainer by Adecco Training and speaker at Speakers Acade.

P.h.D (c) Celestino González Fernández

PhD(c) in Clinical and Health Psychology, being his specialty Health, Stress and Personality and specifically the Technostress at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Nowadays he combines his research, training and teaching work with psychological therapy to different population groups in their own consultation (CGF Psychology) through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Third Generation Therapies, including Mindfulness.

P.h.D Georgina Marcelino Mercedes

PhD in Advertising and Public Relations, specialized in Social Media. Degree and Master in Advertising with focus on Creativity and Management. She has also more than 10 years of professional experience in strategic Advertising, Creativity, Brand Content and Marketing. Currently, she is an independent consultant and a speaker in creativity, communication and digital innovation events.

P.h.D Juan Manuel Roca Rodríguez

Director of the management consultancy and business schools LeaderactiON, since he combines it with his teaching work. At LeaderactiON he has advised executives, deans, vice deans and directors of business school programs in Spain, Portugal and Latam. He is also a regular speaker at conferences and congresses on leadership and the future of business schools.

P.h.D José Manuel de Haro García

Doctor in Psychology with honors by University of Alicante. Psychologist in the field of work and organizations with more than thirty years of professional experience, both for private and public companies, and human resources consulting. He is lecturer and investigator at universities and business schools. ANECA Public and Private University lecturer certifications. Academic.