CMI signs new internship agreements

“We seek that, through the business experience our students receive, they contribute to the development of a sustainable and responsible management approach, helping companies to make a positive impact on society,” explained Natalia Di Piazza Umbides, head of the Institutional Development Area at CMI Business School.
It is extremely important for CMI Business School to ensure that our students can integrate into the job market, and that is why we are constantly working to sign new collaboration agreements for internships in companies and organizations.
“The main thing about these agreements is for them to provide a learning experience for students within a real work environment, so they can identify the real needs, challenges and opportunities of the sectors of their interest”, concluded Di Piazza Umbides.
These agreements were signed with:
– Mutua Madrileña, the leading company in general insurance, asset management and real estate in the spanish market.
– Acción contra el Hambre, is an NGO founded in Spain by a group of french doctors, scientists, and writers with the mission of saving lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition. The Nobel Prize winner and physicist Alfred Kastler, was the first president of the organization
– Fundación Entreculturas, is a non-profit organization of cooperation for the development, promoted by Compañía de Jesús, which promotes the education and development of communities under the conviction that education is a fundamental human right from which no individual can be excluded.
– Auren, is a professional services company for audits, consulting and legal counseling. They have been working for a long time with the purpose of creating value and contributing to the sustainable development of society, organizations and individuals.
Members of our school interested in gaining professional experience through internships can send an email to